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Doctoral projects

Doctoral (PhD) students at the department provide expertise from multiple research disciplines. Aditi BisenPernilla DanielssonSamantha HylerSara LicataAnnabell MerkelMarthe NehlJoel NilssonMarcus PerssonAurimas PumputisCarin RehncronaBurak SayinRéka Ines TölgIda Wingren PhD Studies Learn more about PhD Studies at our department. The Research Portal at Lund University Learn more about our research

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/research/doctoral-studies/doctoral-projects - 2025-03-29

Constructing the local in the rural food experience

Josefine Östrup Backe The aim of my dissertation is to study how culinary networks can be used as a tool in destination development, and more specifically how culinary networks are formed and managed. The study is conducted through a case study, investigating the Culinaria/Matrundan network in Österlen in Southeastern Scania. Focus lies on describing the network and its operations, as well as iden

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/research/doctoral-studies/doctoral-projects/constructing-local-rural-food-experience - 2025-03-29

Tourism and sustainable rural development

Manuela Kronen I have been employed as a PhD student at the Department of Service Management and Service Studies since autumn 2011. My research interest lies in the field of tourism and sustainable rural development. In my dissertation project I carry out a discourse analysis on the notion of the unique as a resource for tourism in the context of LEADER initiatives for the development of the Swedi

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/research/doctoral-studies/doctoral-projects/tourism-and-sustainable-rural-development - 2025-03-29


The research at the department of Service Studies takes its starting point in current societal problems where the service sector is in focus. It questions, provides new perspectives and show sustainable options moving forward in the service society. Consumption, Marketing & Retail Management, Organisation & Work Sustainability, Resources & Services Tourism, Place & Mobility Culture and Creativity

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/research - 2025-03-29


You can find everything about the research done at The Department of Service Studies at the research portal, LUCRIS. Here you can find out more about our researchers, research projects, publications and much more.Go to all publications from the department at the research portal, LUCRIS If you are interested in a particular type of publication, you can follow any of these links:BooksAnthologiesWork

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/research/publications - 2025-03-29

Meet our alumni

Every year students from all over the world graduate from our master’s programme. Here you can find out what a few of them think about their studies at our service management programmes. Daniel Esparza Supply Chain Management Albert Montañez Culture and Creativity Management Andrei Tarus Master Planner for Lantmännen Cerealia. Felicia Gustafsson Sustainability advisor and specialist for Position G

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/education/masters-programmes/meet-our-alumni - 2025-03-29

Department Board

The Board of the Department of Service Studies is responsible for the general guidelines and decisions concerning activities at the department. The board also decides on policies, strategic objectives, and the implementation of the department’s resources, curriculum, syllabi and reading lists. Members of the Department Board 2024-2026Mattias Wengelin (chairman)Ulrika WestrupAlina LidénErika Anders

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/about-department/department-board - 2025-03-29

Strategic Guiding Principles

The Department of Service Studies Work at the department shall move forward according to our strategic guiding principles, which summarise what we already do, what we shall continue to do and what we need to develop. The mission of the Department of Service Studies is to conduct education and research to understand, problematise and contribute to the development of services, service management and

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/about-department/strategic-guiding-principles - 2025-03-29

About the Department

of Service Studies The Department of Service Studies is a successful unit for education and research within service organisations. We offer management education with a cutting edge competence in retail, health, logistics, supply chain management, sustainability, culture and creativity, tourism and hotels. Our courses are developed in collaboration with leading industry companies and organisations.

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/about-department - 2025-03-29

Programme details

for the master's programme in Service management The Master's programme in Service Management consists of 120 ECTS credits. The main field of study is Service Management. On completion of the programme, the student is awarded a degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Service Management. See details for the five different specialisations below: Culture and Creativity Management Se

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/education/masters-programmes/masters-programme-service-management/programme-details - 2025-03-29


 Waste prevention in Sweden 2008-2015 - An analysis of key waste prevention initiatives Author: Hervé CorvellecFördjupad utvärdering av statsbidraget Skapande skola Authors: Katja Lindqvist and Roger Blomgren Frikopplingstjänster - En lösning för avfallsförebyggande? Authors: Anette Svingstedt and Hervé CorvellecOrganisering av avfallstjänster för ett hållbart samhälle - En fallstudie av

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/research/publications/reports - 2025-03-29

Meet our students

Each Autumn, students from all over the world start our Master's Programme in Service Management. Here you can find out what a number of them have to say about their studies. Ask a student! Ask your questions about our Master's programme to some of our current students through Unibuddy. Fanny Esquivel Jiménez Culture and Creativity Management Afina Fatharani Retail Carlson Leandry Mutajwaa Retail

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/education/masters-programmes/meet-our-students - 2025-03-29

Syllabi and reading lists

Spring Semester 2016 Semester 2 SMMR21 Methods in Social Sciences (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list SMMM11 Master's (One Year) Thesis (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list For specialisation Tourism SMMR22 Place and Destination Development (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list For specialisation Retail SMMR23 Service Logistics in Retail (7.5 credits) Syllabus Reading list For specialisation Retail SMMS

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/education/study-information/syllabi-and-reading-lists/syllabi-and-reading-lists-5 - 2025-03-29

Nathalie Stolwijk

Exhange student - Bachelor level Where do you come from?I study Industrial and Organisational Psychology in Utrecht at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Why did you choose to come to the Department of Service Management and Service Studies?I have chosen to enrol in the course Leadership in Service Organizations (15 credits) during my exchange at Lund University. When I read the summary of the

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/education/exchange-student/bachelor-level-courses/nathalie-stolwijk - 2025-03-29

Welcome to the Swedish STS conference 2016

19 - 20 May at the Department of Service Management, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University We are pleased to invite you to attend the Swedish STS conference 2016.The conference will be a great opportunity for scholars to present their ongoing research projects and to engage in discussions and networking. We seek to bring together scholars working in Sweden and Scandinavia from diverse research disci

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sts-2016/welcome-swedish-sts-conference-2016 - 2025-03-29

Organisation committee

CoordinatorKerstin SandellEmail: kerstin [dot] sandell [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se (kerstin[dot]sandell[at]genus[dot]lu[dot]se)Phone: +46 46 222 40 59  HostChrister EldhEmail: christer [dot] eldh [at] ism [dot] lu [dot] se (christer[dot]eldh[at]ism[dot]lu[dot]se)Phone: 042-356640, 076-1144275  Working groups ProgrammeBoel Berner boel [dot] berner [at] liu [dot] se (boel[dot]berner[at]liu[dot]se)

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sts-2016/organisation-committee - 2025-03-29

Programme 19 - 20 May

19 May:09:30-11:30  Pre-conference workshop for young researchers: Doing STS at the marginRegistration from 11 am.11:30-12:30  Lunch12:30-13:00  Welcome13:00-14:30  Sessions14:30-15:00  Coffee break15:00-16:30  Sessions16:45-18:00  Panel theme: method and methodology19:00-21:30  Dinner on the ferry between Helsingborg and Elsinore 20 May:09:00-10:00  Keynote speech10:00-10:30  Coffee break10:30-11

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sts-2016/programme-19-20-may - 2025-03-29